Finder App Shortcut

A friend of mine, Terry, asked a question on Twitter.

A long time ago, I added this button to open the current folder in vscode.

I obvs want it to open cursor now, but can't figure out how I put it up there!

Anyone know?

Well, I did not know how to do it, but because I always like to learn random things and, most of all, help people, I decided to figure it out. Here's how to do it in a few simple steps.

  1. Open the Automator app and create a new Application.
  2. Add two steps: Run AppleScript and Run Shell Script.
  3. Fill the AppleScript step with the script below. It will grab the currently active Finder window and extract its current directory.
on run {input, parameters}
	tell application "Finder"
		set currentFolder to (target of front window) as alias
		return POSIX path of currentFolder
	end tell
end run
  1. Fill the Shell Script step with /usr/local/bin/zed "$1" or any other editor of your choice.
  2. Press Cmd + S to save the automation. It should now be accessible under Applications on your system.
  3. Go to your Applications, right-click the newly saved automation, and select Get Info.
  4. Drag the application you used in your script and drop it on top of the small icon in the top left corner of the info window. This will give you a nicely styled icon.
  5. Open a new Finder window (you need two separate windows for this step), right-click on the toolbar, and select Customize Toolbar....
  6. Focus on your original Finder window with Applications, then drag and drop your automation next to the rest of your toolbar icons.
  7. You're done! Now you can click your new shortcut in any Finder window, and it will open your editor with a workspace set to that very directory.